I was welcomed with friendly staff and they were very helpful. The wait was over 1 hour, but three days later I am feeling much better. Thanks my doctor.
Do you have long working hours and do not have common healthcare provider? Dr. Carter Medical has long office hours from 7:00 to 20:00. In addition, an individual appointment of the examination time is possible.
Suspendisse vel libero se Maecenas ornare consequat massa ullamcorper dapibus. Aliquam auctor, sapien sit amet accumsan facilisis, enim aliquet arcu, tincidunt pellentesque justo turpis id neque. Curae Suspendisse at consectetur massa.
You can schedule an appointment with your primary care doctor by calling your Dr.Carter Clinic office
Schedule an appointment with your primary care doctor by calling your Dr.Carter Clinic office. If your doctor would like you to see a specialist, you will get a referral from your doctor.
Your insurance plan might require you to get a referral authorization before you can see a specialist. If so, your doctor will submit the necessary paperwork to your health plan or medical network Call your doctor’s office for any questions about your referral.
To cancel your appointment, call the Dr.Carter Clinic office where you scheduled the appointment. Please give at least 24 hours or as much notice as possible. This frees up the appointment time for other patien
If it’s your first time at one of our offices, we want to get to know you and your personal health care needs. You’ll want to bring some items with you to make sure you get the care you need at each visit.
The quickest way to refill your prescription is to call your pharmacy 3–5 business days before you run out. If there are no refills left on your prescription, the pharmacy will call or fax the request directly to your doctor’s office. You may have to schedule an appointment with your doctor before renewing your prescription.
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