Prosthetic Surgery

Prosthesis; trauma, tumor etc. It is the general name of ayts developed to imitate these limbs instead of body parts lost due to various reasons.

It may be necessary to remove the damaged organ from the body in order to protect the body’s health after trauma, tumor formations, gangrene and similar situations. In such cases, prostheses that imitate the shape and function of the removed organ are replaced with appropriate methods, tools and materials.

What is a joint?

They are special structures that combine two or more bone ends in a movable structure. For example, the knee joint is the structure that connects the lower end of the thigh bone (Femur) and the upper end of the shin bone (Tibia).
The ends of the bones forming the joint are surrounded by a soft, slippery and elastic cartilage structure. This structure resists load and pressure, allowing the joint to move easily and painlessly.

The periphery of the joint is covered with a capsule, and the inside is covered with a membrane called synovia. The synovial membrane bpki is responsible for the production of joint sna, which acts like a lubricant. Joint fluid reduces friction and wear and nourishes cartilage.

What is the meniscus?

In the knee joint, in addition to other joint structures, there is an elastic cartilage called a crescent-shaped meniscus inside and outside.
The menisci soften the impacts, just like a shock absorber, make the joint stronger and facilitate movement with joint fluid.
Opposite bones become stronger with connective tissues besides these soft tissue structures. Tendons crossing the joints provide both stability and comfortable movement through the muscles. This whole structure ensures that the entire body’s movement system works like a machine that works for years without wearing out.

Total Joint Replacement Operations
Total joint replacement operations are based on the placement of various metal, polyethylene and ceramic-coated materials in place of organs that are devastated enough to lose their function and/or have problems that may harm the rest of the body.
While more than 150,000 joints are replaced with prosthesis annually in the USA, it is around 20000-25000 in our country.

Why is Total Joint Prosthesis Necessary?
Cartilage damage and deformities that occur in the joints for different reasons cause pain, difficulty in movement and disruption in the person. Therefore, the joint surfaces need to be rehabilitated and replaced.

The main causes of cartilage damage (Degenerative Arthritis) in the joints are;

  • Faulty fracture dislocation treatments
  • Congenital anomalies
  • Infections
  • Metabolic bone diseases
  • Curvatures in weight-bearing joints
  • Meniscus, ligament and capsule damage
  • Disruption of bone and cartilage circulation (Avascular Necrosis)
  • Tumors
  • Overweight and obesity
  • Rheumatic diseases
  • Unreasonable situations

What is the Recovery Time of Total Joint Prosthesis?
In general, although patients become active shortly after the operation, the duration may vary from patient to patient and from case to case.
After total hip and knee prostheses, the patient can stand up on the second day and walk with support and then without support after a few days.
Non-weight-bearing joints such as the shoulder, elbow, wrist, and finger joint can begin to move immediately after surgery with rehabilitation support. The aim of rehabilitation is to re-strengthen the weakened muscles during the treatment.

What are the Risks of Total Joint Prosthesis?
The risk in total joint replacement is no different from other surgical interventions. The evaluation of the general surgeon and anesthesiologist before the operation will shed light on the process.

What Complications Can Occur?
The most important complication that can be encountered is infection. Infection can occur before or after discharge. Superficial infections can be resolved with appropriate antibiotic treatments. Deep infections may extend to the removal of the prosthesis. The resulting infection can also spread to different parts of the body through the blood. For this reason, diseases such as sinusitis, urinary tract infections, dental infections should be treated before the operation and preventive treatment processes should be started. The adequacy of the surgical technique is also one of the causes of complications. General sterilization of health institutions and operating room conditions are very important in terms of complications.

Complications may also occur due to reasons related to the placed prosthesis.

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